Registration Guidelines:BCO 14-2 specifies that all teaching elders in good standing with their Presbyteries may attend as commissioners. It also allows sessions to send two (2) ruling elder commissioners for the first 350 communicant members or fraction thereof, and one (1) additional ruling elder commissioner for each additional 500 communicant members or fraction thereof.
Registration Deadline:Registration and payment are requested as soon as possible in order to facilitate planning and to provide you information in time to make hotel reservations at discounted prices.
Registration Fee:The Commissioner Registration Fee is established by the General Assembly. Full priced Teaching Elder Commissioner Fees include General Assembly enrollment ($350), the Commissioner Handbook, the Supplement, and the General Assembly Minutes ($50), and assists with the Standing Judicial Commission expenses ($125). All other Commissioner Fees go toward General Assembly enrollment only.
If you are unsure of which elder(s) will be representing your church, but want to be sure to get the materials in a timely fashion, you may register with “unknown” in the name field. We will replace it with the correct name later when you make your representative(s) known to us.
RAO 18-1 encourages each congregation of the PCA to make a specific donation to assist in defraying the expenses of the General Assembly, whether a commissioner is sent to the Assembly or not. The donation should cover the registration for one representative from the congregation. If no representative from your church is able to attend, please make this donation by checking the box labeled “No Commissioner” on the registration form. You will receive access to the Commissioner Handbook and Supplement, and receive the General Assembly Minutes.
Reduced Registration Fees:The following reduced registration fee options are available· Ruling elder emeritus or an honorably retired teaching elder may register at one-third of the standard registration fee ($150).· Ruling and teaching elders from churches with less than $150,000 in annual income per their 2024 statistics may register for $300. (If 2024 statistics are not available, 2023 may be used.)
Scholarship Fund: Eligibility and application information for the commissioner registration scholarship fund go to:
Refund Policy:• Through May 22, full refunds will be given if requested in writing (mail or e-mail).• May 23 through June 2, one-half of the registration fee will be refunded if requested in writing.• No refund will be considered, except for extraordinary circumstance, after June 3, 2025.
Please send your refund request in writing to [email protected]..
Exhibitors are an important part of keeping costs low at General Assembly. As a registered commissioner, your email and/or mailing address may be shared for a one time communication from our exhibitors to help them showcase their ministry or product with you. If you would like to withhold your name and contact information from this, please email [email protected].
(Please be sure to list the attendee's email so Commissioner related communication and documents can be sent to that email address.)
Yes, it's okay to send me text messages including confirmations, changes, updates, and/or promotions. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. View our terms of service & privacy policy.
Photo Release
The Presbyterian Church in America and its legal representatives and assigns retain the right and permission to publish, without charge, photographs taken during the General Assembly. These photographs may be used in publications, including electronic publications, or in audio-visual presentations, promotional literature, advertising, or in other similar ways.
Medical Release
While we do our best to provide the safest possible environment for our events, the Presbyterian Church in America cannot be held responsible for any medical emergencies that occur during the General Assembly.